Connecting excellent local farmers and producers with the city
We are all aware of the difficulties and pressures that the Australian farmers are facing, none more so than those in our local dairy industry. A healthy agricultural sector is good for the health of the nation.
Restore works with excellent NSW farmers and producers. This ensures that you're getting high-quality, sustainable products while enabling ethical consumer choices.
Our community told us they wanted Jersey milk.
So we went on a hunt for a dairy in NSW with a set of requirements: Australian owned, independent and operating outside the supermarket system. We sought a dairy that follows regenerative farming and was prepared to change their supply chain to eliminate single-use plastic.

Restore’s Jersey Milk is single-source from Tilba Dairy on the NSW South Coast. Your milk comes direct and fresh from the dairy to your door. We’re sure that you will taste the difference!
And our community wanted an all-natural Greek yoghurt. Our yoghurt is made in Sydney’s Inner West. In our opinion, it’s the best yoghurt made locally!
The NSW Return And Earn scheme doesn’t cover the plastic bottles used for milk and yoghurt, making them a major source of household rubbish.
The bottles and jars we use as packaging are also manufactured in NSW.